Lenovo Laptop Stuck In Windows Prepare Automatic Repair Fixing Guides
Lenovo Prepare Automatic Repair Fix Steps By Steps Guide
What you do when your lenovo laptop getting prepare automatic repair. Many peoples got tired when they got this types of laptop windows prepare automatic repair error or blue screen of errors. Many will tired and erase their data by wrong option selected. Our teams had observed many times data lost due to prepare automatic repair in customers lenovo laptops.
If you are totally aware about windows repairing, so you can try it, If you are new, our recommedation is not doing anything just call lenovolaptoprepairnearme.co.in team. We will came to your house or office in Delhi NCR region for repair your lenovo windows or support how to fix this prepare automatic repair without losing your valuable data. Some Fixing guides and tips are given below we also use it or professional also use it.
- Insert Bootable Usb Drive and boot your laptop through bootable usb drive, when you got windows logo, you can turn your laptop in command prompt.
How to Get Windows Command Prompt When You used Windows Bootable Pen Drive
Insert bootable pen drive in your laptops usb port and trying to boot by using fn+f12 in Lenovo laptop. and after that you select your pen drive then press enter
when you got windows 10 logo press just fn+shift+f10 then open command prompt and in command prompt section type Notepad and press open and select your drive where your data and copy one by one folder by using notepad.
you copy your all data and trying to diagnose your pc and goes to advance setup and press startup repair, if not done press latest driver update and uninstall latest drivers
if done. it all right. if not done, By using bootable pen driver and trying to install fresh windows and your problems is 100% solved. If not done Trying to open your lenovo laptop by using screw driver and change you ram and after that install fresh ram and your problems is solved.
- first change the ram
- change new windows
- backup your data
- change ssd instead of hard drive
all update things done you will never get this prepare automatic repair error in your laptop. Our teams is also doing this tips and trick when they visited customers site or office. This tips and tricks save your valuable data as well as our time and your time also.
If you need professional help to repair your windows or any software requirement. You can call us or connect via whatsup to us. We respond immediately and resolve your issues within a same days.